
During my long years as a professional musician I have rearly witnessed such an unique and exciting event. On November, 2nd in Sofia's art gallery was held the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the well known Bulgarian luthier Apostol Kaloferov....Many of Bulgaria's best instrumentalist attended the event, paying their respect to his work.

I'm certain that Apostol Kaloferov, the artist, brings great pride to Bulgaria and Bulgarian musical culture. 

Svetoslav Dermendziev for Musical Horizons, Music and dance magazine
September 2014

As a proud owner of a violin made by Apostol Kaloferov, I could say that his instruments are of a very high quality. The wood is carefully selected. The instrument is artistically made. It is responsive and has carrying power. This is one of the best modern instruments.
Prof. Angel Stankov
Vice Rector of the State Music Academy "Pancho Vladigerov"

Dear Apostolov,
There is a rumour (via a bird which has flown from Bulgaria) that you were this week celebrating your 60th birthday, and that as well as fireworks and champagne there is to be a special concert played on your instruments. I believe all of this (except surely it must be your 50th) so am writing to send my warmest congratulations and every good wish for a marvellous week.
Yours, Charles Bear
The most famous expert-violinmaker

Dear Apostol,
Let me and my wife congratulate you on the occasion of your 60th birthday and please accept our warmest greetings and best wishes.
You were one of my best post-graduate students, with exceptionally skilled hands. Combined with your sensitivity and feeling for the artistic, it helped you to make exquisite instruments. We are happy to congratulate you and we are sending you and your wonderful wife our warmest friendly thoughts.
Mr. Jean Boyere Doyen of the French stringed instrument makers, a Knight of the Legion of Honor

Let me congratulate You from all my heart on my behalf and on behalf of the Ministry of Culture on the occasion of your 60th anniversary.
In Your many years of fruitful work You have created wonderful instruments - leading examples of the stringed instruments art with which outstanding creators and top-class performers have been recreating the masterpieces of the Bulgarian and of world music. The voice of the instruments brought to life by Your hands enchants the audience and unites them with the beauty of music.With talent and unflagging work You are bringing world fame to the school of Bulgarian stringed instrument makers. Your exquisite skill born out of the fertile national and European traditions combines inspiration with exquisite artistic making and the technique of a hereditary stringed instrument maker.
Valued highly in Bulgaria and abroad, Your excellent instruments rightly brought You and Bulgaria prestigious international prizes and honours.
I wish You from all my heart, long creative life and new achievements towards further strengthening of the prestige of the Bulgarian music art.

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